

Aesthetics Med Spa located in Rancho Cordova, CA


If you suffer from stress, fatigue, water retention, or simply desire a refreshed glow, see the specialists at K-GLO Aesthetics in Rancho Cordova, California. Their certified medical professionals and aestheticians use acupressure facials to revitalize treated tissues, restore energy balance, and enhance well-being. Schedule a facial at K-GLO Aesthetics by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.

What are acupressure facials?

Acupressure facials, also called K-beauty facials at K-GLO Aesthetics, are traditional treatments rooted in oriental medicine. They focus on meridians and acupressure points, reflecting the Taoist philosophy of yin and yang and the Five Elements theory of Chinese medicine. Acupressure is a form of massage that optimizes internal organ function, metabolism, blood circulation, and more.

What are the benefits of acupuncture facials?

Acupuncture facials offer the following benefits:

  • Refreshed glow
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved blood flow
  • Energy balance
  • Fewer headaches
  • Reduced congestion 
  • Less overall pain
  • Reduced fluid retention
  • Flushed body toxins
  • Facial and jawline sculpting
  • Glassy skin
  • Improved well-being

The treatment is relaxing and therapeutic, enhancing health and wellness in a safe, holistic way.

Which type of facial is best for me?

Acupuncture facials aren’t the only facials available at K-GLO Aesthetics. The practice offers HydraFacials, Korean facials, European facials, acne facials, and others personalized to your needs and desired results. To determine which is best for you, they discuss your goals and treatment preferences, review your medical history, and examine your skin.

What can I expect during acupressure facials?

During acupressure facials at K-GLO Aesthetics, your provider applies deep tissue massage to targeted areas of your face and upper body. They use their hands or specialized instruments to pressure specific areas (pressure points).

Acupuncture massage stimulates these energy points using innovative manual manipulation. It also helps sculpt your face, reduce fluid retention, and flush toxins. Each acupuncture facial lasts about 30 minutes. It’s a relaxing, enjoyable treatment.

What happens after acupressure treatment?

You often feel more relaxed after an acupressure facial with less stress, tension, pain, and anxiety. You can go about your routine immediately after the facial. You might notice initial improvements in your skin’s appearance that increase over time. A common side effect is temporary redness at the pressure points.

Schedule repeat acupressure sessions at K-GLO Aesthetics as often as needed to maintain long-lasting results. Consider adding in Botox®, dermal fillers, microneedling, chemical peels, body contouring, other facials, or additional anti-aging treatments.

Schedule acupressure facials at K-GLO Aesthetics today by calling the office or requesting an appointment online.